Welcome to my blog of my progress in the Parelli Program!

This is a blog of my journey with my wonderful, amazing, smart, unconfident and then pretends to be--and is-- defaint, Quarter Horse mare, Brizzee, in the Parelli Program! We are official Level 1 Graduates as of spring, of 2009! We are currently playing with On-Line and Freestyle at Levels 2 & 3. I am also beginning to "play" with a friends horse. Sugar is a RBI 5 year old bay Quarter Horse. She is really "calm" and "quiet" and isn't very confident, but she's sensitive and very willing. I thank you for coming with me along my journey of playing with two wonderful horses! :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"When I look into your eyes will I see a better me?" - - Mary Ann Kennedy "Mirror, Mirror"

My TWILIGHT POSTER!! ONLY 29 MORE DAYS UNTIL THE MOVIE COMES OUT, CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Four books are defiantly not enough! lol Yep, I'm a TWILIGHT fan!!

Okay, now back to my "beautymiss" horse, hehe. Well, I played with her yesterday. We did the Figure 8 pattern, and that wasn't very good. Lately it's been very difficult to "draw" her towards me. I have to pull on the rope a little bit, before she'll come up to me, and I reach out to pet her, and she pulls away. Maybe it's just a winter/spring thing, I don't know. But again, it's always when we go around the barrel to the left that she goes really wide around it, and then just stops and won't come up to me until I pull on the rope slightly, then she'll come to me. And we played the Circling Game and she went into a really fast trot, and turned RBE. I don't know if I was giving her wrong clues or what, but she suddenly just jumped off all four feet, pulled against me, and started prancing sideways (it looked like a dominant/argumentive thing, but not sure). I had two big "semi" cones out there that I was going to try to do the figure 8 with, and she kept prancing towards that, and she wasn't paying any attention to it at all. And then she ran into it!! Boy, she jumped, braced up, looked at it, and snorted like "How did that get there?"
I know it's horrible, but I couldn't stop laughing! Her expression was so funny, and the way she acted was just really funny. She was RBE the rest of the day. She wanted to be close to the gate, she had to move her feet, and she kept like dodging ahead of me (she hasn't done that in a long time). I don't know what her problem was yesterday. I know aroudn this time last year she was a lot more "crankier" then usual, so maybe she just is cranky this time of year...hmm. But, she did stand still while I was grooming her, she relaxed her tail, was almost asleep when I massaged alll four legs (I was actually considering going under her to see what she'd do, but decided against it), and she went sideways nicely. After she learned how to go sideways, she's using it to "win" the games!! lol. She's quite funny with that. Maybe she's trying to test my "leadership", I don't know. But I ended it on a good note, and I didn't allow myself to get mad or frustrated...although after I stopped playing with her, and was in the house, I felt bad. I think I must be doing something wrong with the relationship, I don't know. :(

But last night when I fed, she was really funny. Simmer-On (my mom's mustang, which u can check her blog out at http://myheartpartners.blogspot.com/) was in his pen, minding his own business, and I was just gettting ready to feed. Suddenly Brizzee just laid her ears flat back against her head and went charging at him, teeth bared, and he was minding his own business. In return, he bit her on the rump. She acted shocked like "Why would he do that to ME?" After I hollered and broke it up, I began to laugh again..I'm horrible, I know, but the expression on here face was so funny. She's quite a character sometimes. Maybe she's in heat????

But today I went out there (it was so nice today. I was just wearing a Parelli Hoody, and that was warm enough) and Brizzee was standing on the cement. I went into the middle of the corral, and started "drawing" her towards me. She looked behind her, which she always does before she comes forward, and then she came up to me. I didn't have any treats, and when I reached out to pet her, she turned away. Before she walked away, I very casually put my arm over her withers and went with her. She was okay, and then suddenly her ears went flat back against her head. But, Storm (my uncle's Arab mare) was also walking towards us, so I'm hoping that she was doing that at Storm, and not me. I was going to play with her some today, but I didn't really feel good.

Last night when I was putting the dishes away, a glass fell off one of our pans, and hit me right in the mouth...OUCH! I thought I was going to loose my teeth. I cut my upper lip pretty bad, and now it's swollen, but the pain isn't too bad right now, it was earlier. It's hard to talk...Oh, it's time for dinner, so I guess I'd better go.

Has this kind of thing ever happened to you and your horse? And if so, how did you overcome it?

Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~

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