Welcome to my blog of my progress in the Parelli Program!

This is a blog of my journey with my wonderful, amazing, smart, unconfident and then pretends to be--and is-- defaint, Quarter Horse mare, Brizzee, in the Parelli Program! We are official Level 1 Graduates as of spring, of 2009! We are currently playing with On-Line and Freestyle at Levels 2 & 3. I am also beginning to "play" with a friends horse. Sugar is a RBI 5 year old bay Quarter Horse. She is really "calm" and "quiet" and isn't very confident, but she's sensitive and very willing. I thank you for coming with me along my journey of playing with two wonderful horses! :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Greeting me at the gate!!

Oh, I'm so excited!! I went outside today, to spend some time with Brizzee and the other horses. Storm, Brizzee, and Ute were all down by the second corral, so I just hollered at them. Brizzee turned around, looked at me for about five seconds, and then came GALLOPING up to me!! OMG, MY "lazy" LBI, GALLOPING TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was so AWESOME!! I was able to give her a treat before Ute pushed her out of the way, but I was still so excited. I can't get the picture of her running to me out of my head. YES!! I played with Storm today also! That was fun. Ute and Brizzee were sqealing, kicking, biting each other, etc. as Brizzee is in heat (seems like she always is anymore. lol)

So, why they were doing that I played with Storm. She followed me everywhere, trotted after me, backed up with me, it was really fun!! And I've only played with her a few times, so it's been exciting! Today was really fun. I guess RBE's can be a lot of fun!! lol.

I feel like I actually have a plan now. Like when I go out to spend time with Brizzee, I actually feel like I have a plan now, and a "foundation". Before I was just kinda stuck, but now that I know what's wrong, I know what to do to "fix" it, and I know where to go, what to do, what to do when I get there, etc. THANK YOU FRAN, HANNAH, LEA, OLIVIA, AND EVERYONE!!! SHE GALLOPED TO ME, YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the amazing part, I haven't played with her since that day when she wanted to get away from me. Was she able to "sense" in my body language or something that I "figured it out"...? As Pat says "Hmm."

Savvy On,
~Brizzee~ & ~Randa~
ps. only 25 more days until TWILIGHT COMES OUT!!


coc_parelli said...

YAH!!! That is SO great Randa! It is an ah-mazing feeling when your horse gallops to you, huh? Keep it up! You guys have come so far. :)

Savvy Out,

Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie

Randa said...

Thanks! Yep, it's an amazing feeling all right!!

Natural Horse Man Ship