Welcome to my blog of my progress in the Parelli Program!

This is a blog of my journey with my wonderful, amazing, smart, unconfident and then pretends to be--and is-- defaint, Quarter Horse mare, Brizzee, in the Parelli Program! We are official Level 1 Graduates as of spring, of 2009! We are currently playing with On-Line and Freestyle at Levels 2 & 3. I am also beginning to "play" with a friends horse. Sugar is a RBI 5 year old bay Quarter Horse. She is really "calm" and "quiet" and isn't very confident, but she's sensitive and very willing. I thank you for coming with me along my journey of playing with two wonderful horses! :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well, today I cleaned out Brizzee's hooves and took pictures for my Science Fair Project. I think I should have just done my project on our wood burning stove. lol. Anyhoo, today went really well. We put all the horses in the second corral, and then my mom held Brizzee while I massaged her legs. And then we just looped the rope around a panel, so that she could move if she needed to, but the rope was out of the way so my mom could take pictures. I got down on my knees, starting massaging her leg, then lifted her hooves (I was holding her left leg while kneeling down on her right side!!). Here's a picture of me holding Brizzee's hoof while kneeling down. My eyes look a little weird in this picture, but oh well. (Yes, I'm wearing the light blue Parelli hoody (you can see the hood). Birthday present!!). She looks a bit icky. She's full of manure and mud...YUCK. But you know, the Curry Comb can only do so much. hehe.

I'm wearing my black overalls. The wind was a little nippy today.

Brizzee's right front hoof...I think. She's been foundered from too much green grass. Apparently her orginal owner turned her out on real green pasture...too much grass can do this to their hooves. Grass isn't the only thing that causes founder. Founder can be caused by a lot of things.

This is her left back hoof..I think. As you can tell from the dirt flying, lol, that I was right in the middle of cleaning it out. The outside wall is longer then it should be, thanks to the founder...plus she needs to be trimmed again.

Right back hoof. Some of her frog is coming loose. I can't wait till our shoer has time to come out and trim these guys, they need it!!
So, today was fun. Walking down to the corral where the other horses were, Brizzee and I played Stick to me. I didn't have the Carrot Stick or anything, and she trotted when I ran. Course, she was anxious to be with the other horses. But she stopped and backed up when I did!! YEA!! Today was a good day, even though I wasn't even out there even 30 minutes. She was really relaxed and stuff when I picked up her back feet. I have this fear of her back feet and legs. I'm getting better with standing behind her, but I'm really unconfident with messing with her back legs.
Today (I hate to admit this) was the fourth time I picked up her hooves since I got her in 2007, and the FIRST time I cleaned her back feet out. She's fine when the shoer does her hooves. She doesn't pull against him, kick at him, or anything, but I'm still unconfident about it. But today I did it, and I feel better about it. Brizzee just relaxed her leg, and turned, trying to smell me. It didn't bother her at all. So, that was a releif. HOpefully it won't be so bad now. Which, I have to do this every week until April. FUN STUFF! lol. Least I can actually do something with my horse, so it's worth it!! =)
I started a book last night. So far I have 5 pages in it. My mom read the pages this morning, and liked it, so I'm excited!! I start a book about every week. I've finished several, but like the other day, i ran across a book that I started writting, and I had no clue what it was about! hehe. But I figured it out once I started reading it. I have 3 Vampire books started, 1 werewolf book, Countless horse/country/romance books. The one I'm working on right now is about horses, ranches, and romance. This girl's mother dies, and she is living on her step father's ranch. She moves to Idaho, and is considering starting her own "Natural Ranch". The day before she buys it, she gets a letter saying that her step dad died of cancer a few days ago. She goes to his funeral, and she finds out that he left his ranch up to her! So, she is having a tough time getting everythign straightened out and to work. Plus, she has to deal with old friends, and the man she once knew, Zack. She also has to deal with somethign that happened in a past when a teenage girl comes to the Ranch. It's only a matter of time before the truth has to come out, and everything will change when it does. She has a lot of things to figure out, to deal with, and to change. Can she and Zack fall in love again? Can they be a "family" again? The Ranch, is the title.
I'm also reading further into my book that I finished in Janaury titled, Hello Again. It's funny, I wrote the book, I know what's going to happen, but I still find myself crying in certain parts, and laughing in certain parts. This one part the boyfriend and the girl's father are playing checkers. hehe. Her father says that if he wins Checkers, he wants the boyfriend to leave...LOL. This is the book where the guy, Luke, can read minds. Pretty weird, huh? I'm hoping to finish reading it soon, and then have my mom and sister read it...maybe. And then hopefully I can send it to a publisher!! I hope he'll like it!
I have to spend the night at my sister's tomorrow and babysit for her on Saturday. I'm hoping that after I'm done babysitting I can spend the night at my dad's. Ghost Whisperer will be on on Friday, the one I've been waiting FOREVER for, and I won't be able to watch it :( Oh well, it's okay. My dad will record it!!!! HEHEHE. Well, I'd better get to bed, I'm sure tired. I might have to go to the mall tomorrow, yea. I hate going to the mall, there's PEOPLE there. Weird people. I don't fit in at the mall, or anywhere really where there is a lot of people and teenagers, unless it's something to do with horses. Well goodnight,
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~

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