Welcome to my blog of my progress in the Parelli Program!

This is a blog of my journey with my wonderful, amazing, smart, unconfident and then pretends to be--and is-- defaint, Quarter Horse mare, Brizzee, in the Parelli Program! We are official Level 1 Graduates as of spring, of 2009! We are currently playing with On-Line and Freestyle at Levels 2 & 3. I am also beginning to "play" with a friends horse. Sugar is a RBI 5 year old bay Quarter Horse. She is really "calm" and "quiet" and isn't very confident, but she's sensitive and very willing. I thank you for coming with me along my journey of playing with two wonderful horses! :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Let me rub her with the Tarp!! =)))

I played with Brizzee yesterday! My dad watched me playing with her, and I was pretty excited. At first she was kinda, "Not goin' do it", but we started playing with some things, and finally she became interested and curious. We played a little bit of the Circling Game with me standing on the tarp. She'll go 2 to 4 complete circles around me without stopping at the walk, but she won't with the trot. She won't even do one lap without stopping. And she pulls me against me. So, we need to play with that a little more.

After we played the Circling Game, she crossed the tarp. I then picked it up, waved it around, etc. and she just stood still, head down, looking at me like "What?" So, I was able to pet her with it!! Her head came up, and she became a little tense, but I just rubbed for a few minutes, and then went to something else. We played with her front end being still, while moving her hind quarters, and vice versa. For some reason when I ask her to just move ONE part of her body, she thinks she has to move her WHOLE body. But we're playing with it and she's getting it little by little.

We played Sideways Game, did the Figure 8 pattern, Played Stick To Me (she trailed behind me at the trot, but she was trotting), and she backed up with me standing in zone five and using my Carrot Stick. She wasn't backing up "straight", but it was good enough for me! Then we played with the Pedastal. She was thinking about stepping up on it, but she didn't, so I just lifted her foot on the pedastal. I thought she was going to step up there, but she didn't, that's okay though, we'll just play with it! The thing I'm really excited about is that "usually" after I take the halter off, she'll wait until I give her a treat, and then she'll leave, but not yesterday! I took the halter off, gave her a treat, and then she started walking forward, but stopped. Her rump was right there, so I just started petting her rump. She turned her head and looked at me (her back feet were on the tarp!!). So, I took advantage of that and started massaging her tail standing behind her. I was so excited! She stood still and relaxed her tail almost immediately. Luckily my dad had the camera ready and he got a picture of that. I was excited! I was actually the one that left first, so I was/am totally HAPPY about that!! :)

I am hoping to tape and send in my Level 1 tape before May. It's free until May 1st. Maybe I'll be able to pass Level 1 and 2. Probably just Level 1 though, because we aren't that far into Level 2, especially with riding. So, I'm hoping to just Pass Level 1!! So I've been freaking out about that. My mom is hoping to pass Level 1 with her Mustang, Simbo, too...YIPPEE!! There's a few things in Level 1 that I still need to play with, like keeping her HQ still while moving her FQ, and vice versa. But, we'll get there!! I'm totally excited and happy!! I don't think I'd sell Brizzee for a million bucks if someone offered it to me. Here are some pictures of our play day yesterday (yes, I did groom her, but she still looks icky, course what can I say, it's winter):

My hair is a mess from the wind. lol. I am very happy with how our play session ended!! She went Sideways reall well too. I'm EXCITED, obviously. Oh, there's a book titled, The Outsider that I'd really like to get. I read five pages of it at the place today, but coudln't buy it. From what I read, it sounds like a good book!! I have to count my savings and get it. lol.
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~

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