I am jumping off the walls!! I just came in from doing our Online Level 1/2 Audition!! It's about time! Brizzee did REALLY good. We recorded it twice.
The first one was kinda boring. She did the Figure 8, and touch it. I put some carrots on the barrels, so she's like "Oh, carrots!" So she did really good with those. She did really good with everything, except trotting behind me, she just wouldn't do that. Time ran out, so I asked mom if we could do another one. We did, and that one was much better!!
I massaged her hind legs, got on my knees massaging her front legs, lifting her front feet up from the same side, she lowered her head, rubbed against me, and then she backed up!! :-)
She was all ears forward when we went to the barrels, and she didn't want to leave the one barell, but she did something she's never done before - - she sidepassed all the way around the barrel!! Yes!! And she did the figure 8 okay, and everything was really good, except again, she didn't want to trot.
So if she would have just TROTTED then I could send it in, but I can't because she has to trot...darn.
As soon as I figure out how to download the video onto the computer and download it onto Youtube, I'll paste the linke. My Youtube link is: www.youtube.com/naturlpaints. But I don't have any videos on there right now, except for my favorites...which is all basically TWILIGHT, NEW MOON, ECLIPSE, AND BREAKING DAWN. LOL Oh yes, and we can't forget Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) lol. So I'm very pleased with our playday!! It was AWESOME!!
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
Welcome to my blog of my progress in the Parelli Program!
This is a blog of my journey with my wonderful, amazing, smart, unconfident and then pretends to be--and is-- defaint, Quarter Horse mare, Brizzee, in the Parelli Program! We are official Level 1 Graduates as of spring, of 2009! We are currently playing with On-Line and Freestyle at Levels 2 & 3. I am also beginning to "play" with a friends horse. Sugar is a RBI 5 year old bay Quarter Horse. She is really "calm" and "quiet" and isn't very confident, but she's sensitive and very willing. I thank you for coming with me along my journey of playing with two wonderful horses! :)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
My horse is a mess - -
I had a dream last night, and it made me realize a bunch of things. I am putting the relationship first, I am trying to be patient and understanding and take the time it takes so it takes less time. Today, when I was watering the horses, I was watching Brizzee, and I thought back on my dream, and she is literally a mess. Here's why:
Every since she was born she knew only one man. He was heavy handed, lead her from point A to point B, and did everything the old "cowboy way". For eleven years she put up with this. It didn't matter what mood she was in, nothing mattered. It didn't matter if she was scared to death, or didn't want to do it, he MADE her do it. She never had to look for a leader because he made her do things, she didn't have a choice. She tried to get out of it, but he just got very firm with her. (I dreamed about that last night...sad)
And then, eleven years later, this red head girl comes along, takes her away from everything sh'es ever known, and gives her a choice about stuff. In the beginning, I was terrified of Brizzee. She ran over the top of me, pulled behind me, bolted in front of me, it was chaos. I made up any and every excuse possible so I wouldn't have to go out there. She'd see me come and she'd turn around, lay her ears back. I'd groom her, she'd move, she moved her feet, she hated me.
And then after we moved, it got a little better. Then one day, I just went outside and EVERYTHING clicked. I don't know what I did (which is bad) or what she did, but something happened sometime last summer. Everything was going really good until November. She looks at me, comes up to me, tries really hard, but now I ask her to do something new, she gets unconfident. I spend Undemanding time with her, she gets unconfident, and many other things.
I think she's just a mess. Maybe she realized on Thanksgiving when she stood over me when we were playing at Liberty that everything is different. She has a choice, and she was BEGINNING to look at me as a leader. Maybe she got unconfident because of that. I am introducing her to new things, and she doesn't know what to do. Should she be confident, unconfident, look to me, look to the other horses?
Safety, comfort, play, food. We had all of those last year, and now we're back at safety. We play the circling Game, she pulls me towards the horses, so we go there, then she pulls away, we go there, then she pulls this way and that way, and then she gets unconfident. I sit down and do Undemanding time with her, she gets unconfident. I think she just really doesn't know what to think or what to do.
Maybe that's why I'm so stuck...? There's all these "strategies" of how to play with different horsenalities, but what about a horse that doesn't know where it is? Doesn't know what to think? Whatever I did last year somehow it clicked, but maybe Brizzee was a little more sure of where she was at, and what she was doing, and then when she stood over me in the round pen, maybe different emotions went through her, and she got lost?
I'm going through that right now. Last week I wanted to have a ranch and help horses, then I wanted to be a horse trainer, then this and that, and right now I want to be an actress and writer (I've wanted to be a writer every since I can remember, and techniqually I am, cause I write, my books just haven't gotten published yet). I don't really know what I want to do, where I belong, what I should do...I'm just kinda lost and a mess. I don't know what to think, or what to do. I try to please people, but then I just get more lost. I go to restuarants or the store, and I keep my head down, going "catatonic". I can't see people, so I'm okay. But I can hear everything that's going on. If my head is down, I'm pretty okay...other then the fact that I'm terrified of getting sick, or embarrasing myself. And then a guy walks by and I try to hide between my mom and the aisle, or else I'll just start walking really fast away, trying to escape; FLIGHT! And we have the Level 1 pack, Level 2 pack, Success Series, Patterns, Liberty and Horse Behaviour, and I'm like: Which one do I do? Where do I start?
I am lost like Brizzee, I don't really know who I am, what I am, what I want to be, and it changes from day to day, I'm lost. And maybe Brizzee is feeling that way. Maybe she's lost too, doesn't know what to think, what she is, or what to do. Everything is different, and she's changing.
Or maybe it's something totally different, maybe she's just bored, but when I do try to introduce her to new things, she gets unconfident. So I don't know. Everything was going really good there for a long time, and now it feels like we're going back to the beginning, except it's more of a challenge! Even playing the Seven Games now, it's different. She gets unconfident with the Circling Game, pulls me here there, and then she comes into me. I say; Hi! I pet her, and then send her out again, and so forth. I have to wiggle the rope a lot more then I used to, and when I play the Porcupine and Driving Game, she moves her WHOLE body. I was so proud of her last year because she used to be so stiff, and had to move her whole body, but then she started moving different parts of her body, and she really tried, so I was proud of her. And now we're right back at the beginning.
Maybe this feels so challenging to me because it's like Brizzee is me. And I don't know what I need to do for me, so how am I supposed to know what I need to do for her? I want to play with her so badly and try to figure this out, but what if I screw up big time and ruin whatever we had more? I need to have a strategy, a plan, but what? And maybe it's me? Maybe she lost her unconfidence in me as her leader, but what do I do to earn it back? Undemanding time doesn't seem to work, so what do/can I do to earn her trust in me again, and then her trust in me as a leader if that's the case?
I told my mom last night that I'm going to go back to the beginning and think; "Okay, I've never done this program and I'm goign to start it." But she didn't think I should do. She said that I should probably progress to something new, but when I did that Brizzee got unconfident and wouldn't even try! Maybe I'm asking her wrong, maybe I need to figure out a new strategy, I don't know. But we are a team (least we were last year) and no matter what, I am not going to give up on her...
Hey, I just thought of something. Maybe she's the opposite of all the other horses? She gets unconfident when I spend Undemanding time with her and focus on the Relationship...so maybe I shoudl do the opposite and not focus on the relationship?...Nah, that doesn't sound right. I don't know, but maybe I'll have another dream tonight!
One thing is for certain, I'm never going to give up on her, I'm going to figure this out...sometime. Why does my first horse have to be so..."complicated". lol. I'd love to see what Pat and Linda would say about her. She used to fit into the Left Brain Introvert category, but the more I study the Liberty and Horse Behavior, and the more I study her, I don't think she belongs anywhere on the Horsenality chart. My mom has a mustang, and he's all over the charts and mom says he's challenging...but at least he's on the chart.
Well, hopefully I'll figure it out sometime. Tomorrow is supposed to be really crappy, but then Monday should hopefully be clearing up, maybe I'll go and play with her then, and experiment. I'll start at the very beginning, and depending on how it goes, on the next play session we might do some stuff that we've never done before, and if she gets unconfident, hopefully I can figure out what to do. :-)
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
PS. I think the next time I get a horse I want it to be a foal, so it won't have so much background. LOL!
Every since she was born she knew only one man. He was heavy handed, lead her from point A to point B, and did everything the old "cowboy way". For eleven years she put up with this. It didn't matter what mood she was in, nothing mattered. It didn't matter if she was scared to death, or didn't want to do it, he MADE her do it. She never had to look for a leader because he made her do things, she didn't have a choice. She tried to get out of it, but he just got very firm with her. (I dreamed about that last night...sad)
And then, eleven years later, this red head girl comes along, takes her away from everything sh'es ever known, and gives her a choice about stuff. In the beginning, I was terrified of Brizzee. She ran over the top of me, pulled behind me, bolted in front of me, it was chaos. I made up any and every excuse possible so I wouldn't have to go out there. She'd see me come and she'd turn around, lay her ears back. I'd groom her, she'd move, she moved her feet, she hated me.
And then after we moved, it got a little better. Then one day, I just went outside and EVERYTHING clicked. I don't know what I did (which is bad) or what she did, but something happened sometime last summer. Everything was going really good until November. She looks at me, comes up to me, tries really hard, but now I ask her to do something new, she gets unconfident. I spend Undemanding time with her, she gets unconfident, and many other things.
I think she's just a mess. Maybe she realized on Thanksgiving when she stood over me when we were playing at Liberty that everything is different. She has a choice, and she was BEGINNING to look at me as a leader. Maybe she got unconfident because of that. I am introducing her to new things, and she doesn't know what to do. Should she be confident, unconfident, look to me, look to the other horses?
Safety, comfort, play, food. We had all of those last year, and now we're back at safety. We play the circling Game, she pulls me towards the horses, so we go there, then she pulls away, we go there, then she pulls this way and that way, and then she gets unconfident. I sit down and do Undemanding time with her, she gets unconfident. I think she just really doesn't know what to think or what to do.
Maybe that's why I'm so stuck...? There's all these "strategies" of how to play with different horsenalities, but what about a horse that doesn't know where it is? Doesn't know what to think? Whatever I did last year somehow it clicked, but maybe Brizzee was a little more sure of where she was at, and what she was doing, and then when she stood over me in the round pen, maybe different emotions went through her, and she got lost?
I'm going through that right now. Last week I wanted to have a ranch and help horses, then I wanted to be a horse trainer, then this and that, and right now I want to be an actress and writer (I've wanted to be a writer every since I can remember, and techniqually I am, cause I write, my books just haven't gotten published yet). I don't really know what I want to do, where I belong, what I should do...I'm just kinda lost and a mess. I don't know what to think, or what to do. I try to please people, but then I just get more lost. I go to restuarants or the store, and I keep my head down, going "catatonic". I can't see people, so I'm okay. But I can hear everything that's going on. If my head is down, I'm pretty okay...other then the fact that I'm terrified of getting sick, or embarrasing myself. And then a guy walks by and I try to hide between my mom and the aisle, or else I'll just start walking really fast away, trying to escape; FLIGHT! And we have the Level 1 pack, Level 2 pack, Success Series, Patterns, Liberty and Horse Behaviour, and I'm like: Which one do I do? Where do I start?
I am lost like Brizzee, I don't really know who I am, what I am, what I want to be, and it changes from day to day, I'm lost. And maybe Brizzee is feeling that way. Maybe she's lost too, doesn't know what to think, what she is, or what to do. Everything is different, and she's changing.
Or maybe it's something totally different, maybe she's just bored, but when I do try to introduce her to new things, she gets unconfident. So I don't know. Everything was going really good there for a long time, and now it feels like we're going back to the beginning, except it's more of a challenge! Even playing the Seven Games now, it's different. She gets unconfident with the Circling Game, pulls me here there, and then she comes into me. I say; Hi! I pet her, and then send her out again, and so forth. I have to wiggle the rope a lot more then I used to, and when I play the Porcupine and Driving Game, she moves her WHOLE body. I was so proud of her last year because she used to be so stiff, and had to move her whole body, but then she started moving different parts of her body, and she really tried, so I was proud of her. And now we're right back at the beginning.
Maybe this feels so challenging to me because it's like Brizzee is me. And I don't know what I need to do for me, so how am I supposed to know what I need to do for her? I want to play with her so badly and try to figure this out, but what if I screw up big time and ruin whatever we had more? I need to have a strategy, a plan, but what? And maybe it's me? Maybe she lost her unconfidence in me as her leader, but what do I do to earn it back? Undemanding time doesn't seem to work, so what do/can I do to earn her trust in me again, and then her trust in me as a leader if that's the case?
I told my mom last night that I'm going to go back to the beginning and think; "Okay, I've never done this program and I'm goign to start it." But she didn't think I should do. She said that I should probably progress to something new, but when I did that Brizzee got unconfident and wouldn't even try! Maybe I'm asking her wrong, maybe I need to figure out a new strategy, I don't know. But we are a team (least we were last year) and no matter what, I am not going to give up on her...
Hey, I just thought of something. Maybe she's the opposite of all the other horses? She gets unconfident when I spend Undemanding time with her and focus on the Relationship...so maybe I shoudl do the opposite and not focus on the relationship?...Nah, that doesn't sound right. I don't know, but maybe I'll have another dream tonight!
One thing is for certain, I'm never going to give up on her, I'm going to figure this out...sometime. Why does my first horse have to be so..."complicated". lol. I'd love to see what Pat and Linda would say about her. She used to fit into the Left Brain Introvert category, but the more I study the Liberty and Horse Behavior, and the more I study her, I don't think she belongs anywhere on the Horsenality chart. My mom has a mustang, and he's all over the charts and mom says he's challenging...but at least he's on the chart.
Well, hopefully I'll figure it out sometime. Tomorrow is supposed to be really crappy, but then Monday should hopefully be clearing up, maybe I'll go and play with her then, and experiment. I'll start at the very beginning, and depending on how it goes, on the next play session we might do some stuff that we've never done before, and if she gets unconfident, hopefully I can figure out what to do. :-)
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
PS. I think the next time I get a horse I want it to be a foal, so it won't have so much background. LOL!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Reading Horses - - DIFFICULTIES
...More about this later...
Okay, it's later. I'm having a lot of trouble reading Brizzee. I've watched the first three DVD'S in the Liberty and Horse Behaviour, I've learned the tactics, and everything else. When I play with Brizzee, I try to figure out whether she is confident, unconfident, what. For a long time now I thought she was Left Brain Intovert, because she's very food oriented, doesn't have much energy, and gets bored easily, and doesn't need to move her feet. And she didn't seem "unconfident".
But the last few times I've played with her, I thought she was being Left Brain and stubborn (she is very stubborn), and she was actually right brain and Unconfident!! It wasn't until her head was high, and she was really braced when I realized it. I feel so bad. Has she been unconfident this whole time, and I've been misreading that? And everytime I do, she becomes more and more unconfident? Ugh!
She doesn't have anything in the Right Brain Introvert........
She doesn't need to move her feet until she really gets unconfident, she's not real panicky. She's like a Left Brain Introvert...but with Unconfidence!
When I played with her last time, she began to get unconfident, so I thought: "Okay, what are the tactics for unconfident horses?" And everything I learned, everything I have been studying, flew out the window. I had no idea what to do. So when she finally licked her lips, came up to me, etc. I gave her a treat, removed her halter, and walked back to the house. Because at this point, I was getting frustrated because I didn't know what to do, I was mad at myself because I didn't realize this sooner, and so many other mixed emotions were going through me.
Even when I just sit and spend Undemanding Time with her, she seems unconfident...thinking back on it.
I was halfway up to the house when it all came "gushing" back! It drives me crazy. I form a plan in my head; "Do Undemanding time, when she's confident do the Friendly Game, etc." And I have all the strategies, tactics, and everything. So then I go get the halter, the toys, and as soon as I start playing with her, EVERYTHING goes out the door, and as soon as I get away from her, it all comes back.
It's starting to drive me crazy! Do I need to take all the pocket guides, the DVD's, and the TV out to the corral so I have strategies with me? This is insane!
So, I spend Undemanding time with her, and she still seems unconfident. But at yet, as soon as I draw her attention from standing in her zone 5, she comes up to me, searched for a treat. She "seems" content being with me. She takes treats, stands still when I rub and groom her, her head is even touching the ground. But then when I sit on the pedastal or stomething, her body gets tense, and as soon as we start playing, she gets tense. I've been grooming her a lot, since she seems relaxed with that, but it's just so annoying. Right now I have all these strategies, and everything, but as soon as I go out there, everything goes out the door.
Has any of this ever happened to any of you before? Does it make me a terrible leader that I've been misreading her all along? But she has EVERYTHING in Left Brain Introvert, and hardly anything else in the other quadrants, except for being tense and unconfident.
So, for the last couple of days I've been trying to figure things out. I want to play with her (but unfurtunately the weather isn't cooperating), but then again I'm afriad to. I'm worried that I'll get out there, start playing with her, mis read her again, not have a strategy, and make the relationship worse! She's such a mystery, and she's my first horse. Last year everything was going really great, and so far this year it's just been...I don't even know what the word is.
And she's kinda in a grouchy mood lately. I don't know. I just wish I could figure something out to keep all the strategies and everything in my head WHILE I'm out there playing with her. Does anyone have ANY suggestions, or has this every happened to anyone else??
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
Okay, it's later. I'm having a lot of trouble reading Brizzee. I've watched the first three DVD'S in the Liberty and Horse Behaviour, I've learned the tactics, and everything else. When I play with Brizzee, I try to figure out whether she is confident, unconfident, what. For a long time now I thought she was Left Brain Intovert, because she's very food oriented, doesn't have much energy, and gets bored easily, and doesn't need to move her feet. And she didn't seem "unconfident".
But the last few times I've played with her, I thought she was being Left Brain and stubborn (she is very stubborn), and she was actually right brain and Unconfident!! It wasn't until her head was high, and she was really braced when I realized it. I feel so bad. Has she been unconfident this whole time, and I've been misreading that? And everytime I do, she becomes more and more unconfident? Ugh!
She doesn't have anything in the Right Brain Introvert........
She doesn't need to move her feet until she really gets unconfident, she's not real panicky. She's like a Left Brain Introvert...but with Unconfidence!
When I played with her last time, she began to get unconfident, so I thought: "Okay, what are the tactics for unconfident horses?" And everything I learned, everything I have been studying, flew out the window. I had no idea what to do. So when she finally licked her lips, came up to me, etc. I gave her a treat, removed her halter, and walked back to the house. Because at this point, I was getting frustrated because I didn't know what to do, I was mad at myself because I didn't realize this sooner, and so many other mixed emotions were going through me.
Even when I just sit and spend Undemanding Time with her, she seems unconfident...thinking back on it.
I was halfway up to the house when it all came "gushing" back! It drives me crazy. I form a plan in my head; "Do Undemanding time, when she's confident do the Friendly Game, etc." And I have all the strategies, tactics, and everything. So then I go get the halter, the toys, and as soon as I start playing with her, EVERYTHING goes out the door, and as soon as I get away from her, it all comes back.
It's starting to drive me crazy! Do I need to take all the pocket guides, the DVD's, and the TV out to the corral so I have strategies with me? This is insane!
So, I spend Undemanding time with her, and she still seems unconfident. But at yet, as soon as I draw her attention from standing in her zone 5, she comes up to me, searched for a treat. She "seems" content being with me. She takes treats, stands still when I rub and groom her, her head is even touching the ground. But then when I sit on the pedastal or stomething, her body gets tense, and as soon as we start playing, she gets tense. I've been grooming her a lot, since she seems relaxed with that, but it's just so annoying. Right now I have all these strategies, and everything, but as soon as I go out there, everything goes out the door.
Has any of this ever happened to any of you before? Does it make me a terrible leader that I've been misreading her all along? But she has EVERYTHING in Left Brain Introvert, and hardly anything else in the other quadrants, except for being tense and unconfident.
So, for the last couple of days I've been trying to figure things out. I want to play with her (but unfurtunately the weather isn't cooperating), but then again I'm afriad to. I'm worried that I'll get out there, start playing with her, mis read her again, not have a strategy, and make the relationship worse! She's such a mystery, and she's my first horse. Last year everything was going really great, and so far this year it's just been...I don't even know what the word is.
And she's kinda in a grouchy mood lately. I don't know. I just wish I could figure something out to keep all the strategies and everything in my head WHILE I'm out there playing with her. Does anyone have ANY suggestions, or has this every happened to anyone else??
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Wow! Sorry, I haven't been on here for a while. In about 3 hours it'll only be ONE day left!! YES!! I can't wait until Saturday!! I am so excited to see Twilight. I know, it's weird for a horse/country/mountain girl to be a Twilight girl as well, but oh well. I just wish that Stephenie Meyer will finish Midnight Sun all ready...I want to hear Edward's version. lol.
Okay, back to normal stuff: My mom hurt her ankle last Friday. I was playing a little with Brizzee, and that wasn't going to good. I misread her :''''( I thought she was Left Brain, and being Stubborn, so I pushed her a little bit, and we played, but we didn't really feel connected. I laid on the Pedestal, and let her graze. I realized she was unconfident with that too. I coudln't figure that one out. We were playing on the 22' foot line, I was just laying on the pedestal (which is a tire) staring at the sky, and she was eating, but she was eating quickly and tense. Maybe that made her nervous, I don't know.
So, we played a little bit. I thought we would just go back to "basics". Well, she didn't even do the Circling Game. When she wasn't bucking, pulling against me, she would just stop and stand there. ANd when I "drew" her towards me, she wouldn't come. I went back to spending undemaning time with her, and she was still acting fun. I thought it might just be because she feels good. So I thought; "Okay, I'll let her run around for a while, get all the "spunk" out." After I took the halter off, she stayed with me, and then moved away. She ran up and down the fence line, tense, with her head up, and tail high. I felt so bad!! She was unconfident that whole time, and I made it worse!! I've watched several different dvd's on horsenality, I can't beleive I didn't catch that. I just keep telling myself: "Look at how long it took Pat and Linda to read horses..."
So I felt bad about that. But after she calmed down, I drew her to me, and she came! That's when I realized something: When we're at liberty, I wiggle my fingers, instead of combing the rope, and she comes. And when I have the rope in my hand, I comb it, and she doesn't come. But but when I just wiggle my fingers, she comes. So I'm glad I figured that one out!! :-)
So, while she was running again, I sat down, trying to figure things out, and my mom called, said that she twisted her ankle pretty badly. We ended up taking her to the doctor, and now her foot is in a walking boot. This is the third time now that something has happened preventing her from playing with the horses. So I've been busy helping her with that all week. And when I tell her about Brizzee, she smiles. I'm thinking: "She's unconfident, I made her that, that' not FUNNY!"
Last year, before we had a MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH, she was like this, except it was much worse. And then we had our break through, so my mom has a "feeling" that we are about to have another break through. I hope so! :-) Today, it was fun!
I groomed all the horses (saving her for last. lol). First of all, after about five minutes, she came up to me from clear across our pen. FIVE MINUTES, that's it!! Last year she ignored me for HOURS, wouldn't even look at me. I gave her a treat, rubbed on her, and haltered her. She seemed a little Extroverted at first, so I ran. Well...she was feeling froggy. She ran, and then bucked towards me, but she missed...thank goodness. She was just feeling good. I groomed her for a few minutes, and then we did lots of Sideways, and started playing the Circling Game. She is so funny, she'll start off far away from me, and then by the time the full circle is almost done, she's right beside me. Sweet Girl.
She went sideways without the fence for a little bit, and then she walked up on the cement while I was on the ground. It was funny. I stopped, and she didn't stop until I was behind her. I just stood there, and finally she licked, sighed, and backed up until I was at her shoulder. I was SOOO happy!! And that's pretty much all we did....well, we did the Falling Leaf Pattern "in place" for a little while, and that was fun. I was going to back her through the gate, but the gate kept closing, so that didn't work out too well, but oh well.
And we didn't get to record our Level 1 Online on Monday becuase of my mom's foot, and it was REALLY windy. I thought I was going to be blown away. But hopefully sometime this week, or next week we'll record it, course we need to work on our Figure 8. And I didn't take her to the Team Sorting either, but hopefully weekend after this I'll take her. And TWILIGHT COMES OUT ON SATURDAY!!
My mom and I made a deal that if I don't talk about Twilight until after Saturday, she'll rent it, early Saturday morning, and we'll watch it on Saturday. I agreed to the deal immediately, but I didn't realize how hard it would be! I must have talked about Twilight a lot...but it's such a good series! My family thinks I'm weird because I like Vampires (well actually my favorite character is Jacob Black...I like wolves. lol) but if they would just read it, they'd understand. Stephenie Meyer needs to finish Midnight Sun, and then do some more books in the Twilight Series about Renesmee and Jacob....yeah, in case you haven't noticed I'm in a weird mood today. lol.
A friend of ours talked to me last night, asking me when I'm going to get started training horses....I didn't know what to say! I'd like to become a Parelli Professional, and do whatever is involved with that right after I'm on my own (or before then). I'll be 18 in 2 years and about 8/9 months...YIKES! My only plans in life are becoming a Parelli Professional, and having my own ranch...and of course, being a Published Author. I have a certain set of rules of mine:
1. I'm not going to get married, and get tied down.
2. I'm not going to have kids.
3. I am going to accomplish my dreams in life.
If I do accomplish my dreams/goals, I will be the first one in this family too!! My mom had dreams, my sister had dreams, but they both got married, and then had children, and meanless to say, they never got their dream (but I guess they didn't want it bad enough). But I'm going to fight for it, and do whatever it takes to accomplish my dreams, because I want it bad enough. I'm not going to get married and get tied down, and then not do what I want to do out of my life.
And I'm praying for His guidance and strength every night. :-)
Okay, I think I made this long enough. lol.
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
Okay, back to normal stuff: My mom hurt her ankle last Friday. I was playing a little with Brizzee, and that wasn't going to good. I misread her :''''( I thought she was Left Brain, and being Stubborn, so I pushed her a little bit, and we played, but we didn't really feel connected. I laid on the Pedestal, and let her graze. I realized she was unconfident with that too. I coudln't figure that one out. We were playing on the 22' foot line, I was just laying on the pedestal (which is a tire) staring at the sky, and she was eating, but she was eating quickly and tense. Maybe that made her nervous, I don't know.
So, we played a little bit. I thought we would just go back to "basics". Well, she didn't even do the Circling Game. When she wasn't bucking, pulling against me, she would just stop and stand there. ANd when I "drew" her towards me, she wouldn't come. I went back to spending undemaning time with her, and she was still acting fun. I thought it might just be because she feels good. So I thought; "Okay, I'll let her run around for a while, get all the "spunk" out." After I took the halter off, she stayed with me, and then moved away. She ran up and down the fence line, tense, with her head up, and tail high. I felt so bad!! She was unconfident that whole time, and I made it worse!! I've watched several different dvd's on horsenality, I can't beleive I didn't catch that. I just keep telling myself: "Look at how long it took Pat and Linda to read horses..."
So I felt bad about that. But after she calmed down, I drew her to me, and she came! That's when I realized something: When we're at liberty, I wiggle my fingers, instead of combing the rope, and she comes. And when I have the rope in my hand, I comb it, and she doesn't come. But but when I just wiggle my fingers, she comes. So I'm glad I figured that one out!! :-)
So, while she was running again, I sat down, trying to figure things out, and my mom called, said that she twisted her ankle pretty badly. We ended up taking her to the doctor, and now her foot is in a walking boot. This is the third time now that something has happened preventing her from playing with the horses. So I've been busy helping her with that all week. And when I tell her about Brizzee, she smiles. I'm thinking: "She's unconfident, I made her that, that' not FUNNY!"
Last year, before we had a MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH, she was like this, except it was much worse. And then we had our break through, so my mom has a "feeling" that we are about to have another break through. I hope so! :-) Today, it was fun!
I groomed all the horses (saving her for last. lol). First of all, after about five minutes, she came up to me from clear across our pen. FIVE MINUTES, that's it!! Last year she ignored me for HOURS, wouldn't even look at me. I gave her a treat, rubbed on her, and haltered her. She seemed a little Extroverted at first, so I ran. Well...she was feeling froggy. She ran, and then bucked towards me, but she missed...thank goodness. She was just feeling good. I groomed her for a few minutes, and then we did lots of Sideways, and started playing the Circling Game. She is so funny, she'll start off far away from me, and then by the time the full circle is almost done, she's right beside me. Sweet Girl.
She went sideways without the fence for a little bit, and then she walked up on the cement while I was on the ground. It was funny. I stopped, and she didn't stop until I was behind her. I just stood there, and finally she licked, sighed, and backed up until I was at her shoulder. I was SOOO happy!! And that's pretty much all we did....well, we did the Falling Leaf Pattern "in place" for a little while, and that was fun. I was going to back her through the gate, but the gate kept closing, so that didn't work out too well, but oh well.
And we didn't get to record our Level 1 Online on Monday becuase of my mom's foot, and it was REALLY windy. I thought I was going to be blown away. But hopefully sometime this week, or next week we'll record it, course we need to work on our Figure 8. And I didn't take her to the Team Sorting either, but hopefully weekend after this I'll take her. And TWILIGHT COMES OUT ON SATURDAY!!
My mom and I made a deal that if I don't talk about Twilight until after Saturday, she'll rent it, early Saturday morning, and we'll watch it on Saturday. I agreed to the deal immediately, but I didn't realize how hard it would be! I must have talked about Twilight a lot...but it's such a good series! My family thinks I'm weird because I like Vampires (well actually my favorite character is Jacob Black...I like wolves. lol) but if they would just read it, they'd understand. Stephenie Meyer needs to finish Midnight Sun, and then do some more books in the Twilight Series about Renesmee and Jacob....yeah, in case you haven't noticed I'm in a weird mood today. lol.
A friend of ours talked to me last night, asking me when I'm going to get started training horses....I didn't know what to say! I'd like to become a Parelli Professional, and do whatever is involved with that right after I'm on my own (or before then). I'll be 18 in 2 years and about 8/9 months...YIKES! My only plans in life are becoming a Parelli Professional, and having my own ranch...and of course, being a Published Author. I have a certain set of rules of mine:
1. I'm not going to get married, and get tied down.
2. I'm not going to have kids.
3. I am going to accomplish my dreams in life.
If I do accomplish my dreams/goals, I will be the first one in this family too!! My mom had dreams, my sister had dreams, but they both got married, and then had children, and meanless to say, they never got their dream (but I guess they didn't want it bad enough). But I'm going to fight for it, and do whatever it takes to accomplish my dreams, because I want it bad enough. I'm not going to get married and get tied down, and then not do what I want to do out of my life.
And I'm praying for His guidance and strength every night. :-)
Okay, I think I made this long enough. lol.
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
Friday, March 13, 2009
Going to play with Brizzee Today - -
Well, I'm hoping to play with my girl today (fingers crossed!) lol. It has been really nice here these last few days, but I haven't gotten a chance to play with Brizzee, but I'm hoping I'll be able to play with her this afternoon. I'm going to take the timer out and see what we can do in 10 minutes. =) I'm hoping to record our Online Level 1/2 on Monday. I'm excited about that! Can anyone give me any pointers on how to do the YouTue thing?
Today: I am hoping to just mosey around, let her eat, etc. Groom her, play touch it, trot to back up, figure 8, massage all four legs, lower her head, massage her tail, play all Seven Games, work on Circling Game at the trot. But I'm not going to push things. If she gets unconfident, braced, whatever I'll stop, and we'll go back to the relationship. I'm not going to become direct line. But Pat says you need to have a plan, so I have a plan, a back up plan, another back up plan, and so on. lol. Tomorrow is Team Sorting day... in a way I'm excited, but then again I'm nervous. But, I'll be the leader my horse will need! And I'm not going to Team Sort, maybe not ride. I just want to see how Brizzee will be around all the horses and everything this time.
Well, I'd better finish school. If anyone can give me any pointers on how to add a video on YouTube, add music, etc. I'd really appreciate it! Oh yeah, and how do you make those picture video slids thing? Just curious. And congratulations to EVERYONE who has passed in their Audition!! :) =) ;)
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
Today: I am hoping to just mosey around, let her eat, etc. Groom her, play touch it, trot to back up, figure 8, massage all four legs, lower her head, massage her tail, play all Seven Games, work on Circling Game at the trot. But I'm not going to push things. If she gets unconfident, braced, whatever I'll stop, and we'll go back to the relationship. I'm not going to become direct line. But Pat says you need to have a plan, so I have a plan, a back up plan, another back up plan, and so on. lol. Tomorrow is Team Sorting day... in a way I'm excited, but then again I'm nervous. But, I'll be the leader my horse will need! And I'm not going to Team Sort, maybe not ride. I just want to see how Brizzee will be around all the horses and everything this time.
Well, I'd better finish school. If anyone can give me any pointers on how to add a video on YouTube, add music, etc. I'd really appreciate it! Oh yeah, and how do you make those picture video slids thing? Just curious. And congratulations to EVERYONE who has passed in their Audition!! :) =) ;)
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
RBE then LBI instantly - -
Our farrier came out this morning. I really like him. He's gentle, has a nice body attitude, talks to the horses, and he hangs in there with them when they hop or jump around, and as soon as they stand still and relax their leg, he realeses, rubs them, and then picks up the hoof. He's a really neat guy. Anyways, he was out this morning. I went in to get Brizzee, and she was still eating her hay. I knew I didn't have much time, but I just wanted to see what she would do if I went behind her while she was eating. Well, she moved, so that she was facing me, but she was still eating. But she was really good with haltering. And she even left the hay without a fight! :)
And as soon as we got out of that gate, she tried. She was calm at first looked around, LBI. And then the horses started whinnying, and the RBE kicked in. Not very bad. It was right on the line of Left Brain and Right Brain. She was moving her feet, whinny, move around, stop, etc. So it was fun! And while the farrier and my mom were talking, I started to massage her legs, and she held still so I got on my knees, and picked up her hoof. She did really good when he looked at her hoof, but if he would've trimmed her she would've been walking on her sole *ouch*, so she didn't get trimmed. Everything else went really good. I got a lot of info from him about Founder, etc.
So this afternoon, about a 30 minutes before feeding time, I went out to the pen. My mom was playing with Sugar, and Strom, my Uncle's Arab (RBE) was following me everywhere. I walked, she walked, I ran, she trotted, I moved from side to side, and she followed me! It was pretty cool. And then I went behind Brizzee, and when she would look to the left, I'd run to the right, etc. until she finally turned and came up to me!
She was LBI, but she wasn't as stubborn as she usually is =) I asked her to walk on the cement, between me and the fence, and I walked beside her, but on the dirt. She backed with me, etc. And then, I "drove" her FQ in a full circle, so that she was lined up with the fence, and we played the Sideways Game! She didn't stop until she reached the end of the 12 foot line, and I kept my feet still!!! YEAH!! Everything she did, I probably was at least 4 feet away from her, so I was excited! And a 45 foot line and another 22 foot line are coming!! Yeah! I'm hoping to audition for Level 1 on Monday, the 16th (but no pressure, if it doesn't work, that's okay. Gives us practice with playing in front of the camcorder. lol). On that day I will have Brizzee for two years, so I thought it'd be cool if we recordered it on that day. And if it doesn't go very well, that's okay. I'm in no hurry. We'll just play with it, take our time, etc.
Twilight comes out in 10 days! Team Sorting is this Saturday...I'm looking forward to it in a way, and in another way I'm nervous about it. lol. Can't wait until Spring gets here!!
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
And as soon as we got out of that gate, she tried. She was calm at first looked around, LBI. And then the horses started whinnying, and the RBE kicked in. Not very bad. It was right on the line of Left Brain and Right Brain. She was moving her feet, whinny, move around, stop, etc. So it was fun! And while the farrier and my mom were talking, I started to massage her legs, and she held still so I got on my knees, and picked up her hoof. She did really good when he looked at her hoof, but if he would've trimmed her she would've been walking on her sole *ouch*, so she didn't get trimmed. Everything else went really good. I got a lot of info from him about Founder, etc.
So this afternoon, about a 30 minutes before feeding time, I went out to the pen. My mom was playing with Sugar, and Strom, my Uncle's Arab (RBE) was following me everywhere. I walked, she walked, I ran, she trotted, I moved from side to side, and she followed me! It was pretty cool. And then I went behind Brizzee, and when she would look to the left, I'd run to the right, etc. until she finally turned and came up to me!
She was LBI, but she wasn't as stubborn as she usually is =) I asked her to walk on the cement, between me and the fence, and I walked beside her, but on the dirt. She backed with me, etc. And then, I "drove" her FQ in a full circle, so that she was lined up with the fence, and we played the Sideways Game! She didn't stop until she reached the end of the 12 foot line, and I kept my feet still!!! YEAH!! Everything she did, I probably was at least 4 feet away from her, so I was excited! And a 45 foot line and another 22 foot line are coming!! Yeah! I'm hoping to audition for Level 1 on Monday, the 16th (but no pressure, if it doesn't work, that's okay. Gives us practice with playing in front of the camcorder. lol). On that day I will have Brizzee for two years, so I thought it'd be cool if we recordered it on that day. And if it doesn't go very well, that's okay. I'm in no hurry. We'll just play with it, take our time, etc.
Twilight comes out in 10 days! Team Sorting is this Saturday...I'm looking forward to it in a way, and in another way I'm nervous about it. lol. Can't wait until Spring gets here!!
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
Monday, March 9, 2009
Time for Change
Does anyone ever have that feeling or instinct of change? I woke up this morning, and I had a whole new attitude, and I want to change EVERYTHING. I want to change my blogs, my webiste, my e-mail, my room, and this house. I just want to change everything and it is really starting to bug me. Has this ever happened to you?
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
PS. Here are a few mountain pics. I MISS CAMPING!! :( =(
Our Four wheeler. I love this thing! It is so fun when we drive it on trails in the mountains. The trees are all around us, and we never know what you might see (year before last an Antelope jumped right in front of us, and got his antlers caught in the fence. He got out, so that's good!). lol. It's also very funny when the trail leads to a creek, and you have to cross it. My dad finally trusts me enough now to drive it! YAY! This December I'll be 16!!
I love views like this. The lake looks so clean and pretty. I wish I was there.
I wish all the trees could be green like that...it makes me sad to see dead ones.

Sometimes I look at pictures like these, and I just want to get lost in the Mountains. lol. It would be a good life though, being away from everyone on, surviving on your own with no money, only having to please yourself. There would be no crime, no stolen things, no one to rob you in the middle of the night...I just want to get lost in the Mountains.
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
PS. Here are a few mountain pics. I MISS CAMPING!! :( =(





Sunday, March 8, 2009
It sucks living with a none Parelli Person.
So, we got the Liberty & Horse Behavior sometime last week. I was really excited because there's like 10 DVD's, and I was really excited because I thought I might fianlly be able to read my horse better, adjust to fit the situation better, etc. And there is a Team Sorting this Saturday, so I thought maybe if I watched the whole pack, I might have more "stratgies", and know how to adjust to fit the situation.
Well, we haven't even watched all of the first disk yet. We started watching a disk today, and the guy we live with is like "You're going to watch this again?" And then he goes outside. And as soon as he comes back inside, my mom and I turn it off. And so tonight, the weather goes off, he usually goes to bed around this time, so we put the DVD in. And he comes out, sits down, and is like. "Watching this again! How many more is there?" And then he starts complaining because there might be something esle on TV, etc. So, meanless to say, I had to take the disk out, and now he's watching somehething he doesn't even like so that he won't have to watch any of it. He is very much against Parelli.
And so far, everything he has said, mom and I have proved him wrong (example: They'll get away with a lot on that long line. You need to have them up close so you can control them!), but whenever we put in a Parelli DVD, he'll get mad, and we'll have to take it out. I can't really even talk about Parelli to my mom anymore because he interrupts, gets mad, or gets up and walks away! It's infuriating! And he never goes to any Team Sorting, but I bet he will this Saturday, just so that he can pick on me, tell me what I'm doing wrong, etc. And he even makes my horse nervous, and our Mustang hates him.
When I first got Brizzee, we couldn't get her to load...this is funny. And he (who knows all there it to know about horses) gets his rope, ties it to somethign on the trailer, goes under Brizzee's tail, and hangs on to it tightly. And we were just playing with the trailer. And Brizzee, being a Left Brain Introvert, braced up, and WOULD NOT MOVE! He was whipping the whip behind her, pulling tightly on the rope, she did not move. She just had that mean look in her face like; "NOpe, not gonna do it!"(I wanted to tell him to stop, but I have to RESPECT MY ELDERS! WHAT ABOUT MY PARTNER?) I felt pretty good though...that's awful, but I did. This guy who knows EVERYTHIGN about horses, and you have to show the horse whose boss, and you have to make them do something, couldn't get a little 14 hand Paint horse, who has no sense at all (he thinks that because she's a paint...stupid) into a trailer...hehehehehehe!!
And then with the Mustang, he couldn't get him in there either. He even got the bull whip out. If he would've come close to hitting Simbo, I don't think he'd be living today. Simmer-On is a pretty good horse, and he really loves my mom. Their relationship is really strong. But if someone starts pushing him, he pushes right back. But I just think it's kinda funny. Now I can load Brizzee in the trailer. It takes a while, we have to retreat and appraoch often, but she'll eventaully get in there. She's not real confident yet, but she does go in, and come out quickly, but we're playing wiht it. And I don't have any kind of a butt rope, any force, nothing.
But, he turns away from it and just says that I taught her whose boss...it's funny how people can have ONE way etched in stone so much in their head, that they can't even accept what is right in front of their eyes. "Oh, Parelli drugs his horse. He's just trying to get money." Well, do I drug MY horse? Do I force MY horse? Have I knocked the spirit out of MY horse? No, No, and NO! We are only in Level 2, but compared to when I first got her, we've improved a lot. And that's just because I taught her whose boss? No, it's because I've taken a more natural approach, and gone about doign things differently then "I'm going to make you!" Out of Love, Language, and Leadership, we are starting to have a Partnership. NOT out of force, making her, and showing her whose boss.
Parelli Natural Horse Man Ship is a great program! You do things naturally, you have a partner, your partner is willing to follow your suggestions (most the time), is willing to be with you, plays with you at liberty, and even greets you at the gate with their ears forward, eyes big and excited, they are ready to be with you, ready to play and do somethign fun (not WORK). ...what more does someone need to show them that Parelli is a GREAT and NATURAL program?
But, it's not enough for the person we live with, so therefore, we can't watch the DVD's that we bought to see, so I still don't have more "in depth" information on reading horses, or any of that stuff. Which sucks! But oh well. I guess from now on I'll take all the Parelli DVD's to my dad's house because he doesn't have a horse, and he's very interested in all this stuff. So I guess in order to learn, I guess I'll just have to do that. My mom will be mad at me, but oh well. My goal is to become a Parelli Professional, and I'm hoping to stop at nothing to live my dream...just like getting my books published, and owning a ranch. You're dreams can't just magical happen, you have to work for them, push on, go through obstacles, and stop at nothing to make those dreams happen! It'll be a FUN JOURNEY!!
I feel better now that I vented. lol.
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
Well, we haven't even watched all of the first disk yet. We started watching a disk today, and the guy we live with is like "You're going to watch this again?" And then he goes outside. And as soon as he comes back inside, my mom and I turn it off. And so tonight, the weather goes off, he usually goes to bed around this time, so we put the DVD in. And he comes out, sits down, and is like. "Watching this again! How many more is there?" And then he starts complaining because there might be something esle on TV, etc. So, meanless to say, I had to take the disk out, and now he's watching somehething he doesn't even like so that he won't have to watch any of it. He is very much against Parelli.
And so far, everything he has said, mom and I have proved him wrong (example: They'll get away with a lot on that long line. You need to have them up close so you can control them!), but whenever we put in a Parelli DVD, he'll get mad, and we'll have to take it out. I can't really even talk about Parelli to my mom anymore because he interrupts, gets mad, or gets up and walks away! It's infuriating! And he never goes to any Team Sorting, but I bet he will this Saturday, just so that he can pick on me, tell me what I'm doing wrong, etc. And he even makes my horse nervous, and our Mustang hates him.
When I first got Brizzee, we couldn't get her to load...this is funny. And he (who knows all there it to know about horses) gets his rope, ties it to somethign on the trailer, goes under Brizzee's tail, and hangs on to it tightly. And we were just playing with the trailer. And Brizzee, being a Left Brain Introvert, braced up, and WOULD NOT MOVE! He was whipping the whip behind her, pulling tightly on the rope, she did not move. She just had that mean look in her face like; "NOpe, not gonna do it!"(I wanted to tell him to stop, but I have to RESPECT MY ELDERS! WHAT ABOUT MY PARTNER?) I felt pretty good though...that's awful, but I did. This guy who knows EVERYTHIGN about horses, and you have to show the horse whose boss, and you have to make them do something, couldn't get a little 14 hand Paint horse, who has no sense at all (he thinks that because she's a paint...stupid) into a trailer...hehehehehehe!!
And then with the Mustang, he couldn't get him in there either. He even got the bull whip out. If he would've come close to hitting Simbo, I don't think he'd be living today. Simmer-On is a pretty good horse, and he really loves my mom. Their relationship is really strong. But if someone starts pushing him, he pushes right back. But I just think it's kinda funny. Now I can load Brizzee in the trailer. It takes a while, we have to retreat and appraoch often, but she'll eventaully get in there. She's not real confident yet, but she does go in, and come out quickly, but we're playing wiht it. And I don't have any kind of a butt rope, any force, nothing.
But, he turns away from it and just says that I taught her whose boss...it's funny how people can have ONE way etched in stone so much in their head, that they can't even accept what is right in front of their eyes. "Oh, Parelli drugs his horse. He's just trying to get money." Well, do I drug MY horse? Do I force MY horse? Have I knocked the spirit out of MY horse? No, No, and NO! We are only in Level 2, but compared to when I first got her, we've improved a lot. And that's just because I taught her whose boss? No, it's because I've taken a more natural approach, and gone about doign things differently then "I'm going to make you!" Out of Love, Language, and Leadership, we are starting to have a Partnership. NOT out of force, making her, and showing her whose boss.
Parelli Natural Horse Man Ship is a great program! You do things naturally, you have a partner, your partner is willing to follow your suggestions (most the time), is willing to be with you, plays with you at liberty, and even greets you at the gate with their ears forward, eyes big and excited, they are ready to be with you, ready to play and do somethign fun (not WORK). ...what more does someone need to show them that Parelli is a GREAT and NATURAL program?
But, it's not enough for the person we live with, so therefore, we can't watch the DVD's that we bought to see, so I still don't have more "in depth" information on reading horses, or any of that stuff. Which sucks! But oh well. I guess from now on I'll take all the Parelli DVD's to my dad's house because he doesn't have a horse, and he's very interested in all this stuff. So I guess in order to learn, I guess I'll just have to do that. My mom will be mad at me, but oh well. My goal is to become a Parelli Professional, and I'm hoping to stop at nothing to live my dream...just like getting my books published, and owning a ranch. You're dreams can't just magical happen, you have to work for them, push on, go through obstacles, and stop at nothing to make those dreams happen! It'll be a FUN JOURNEY!!
I feel better now that I vented. lol.
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Yeah, Spring is FINALLY here!! :) ;) I'm excited about that. lol.
"March winds bring April showers, April Showers bring May flowers!"
Well, I played with Brizzee yesterday. Green grass was coming up, and it was a very nice day. I wore a long sleeve shirt and a vest, and I was too warm! Brizzee and I really didn't do anything...she did everything that I asked her to do, but we really didn't do anything. I sat down on the cement, and I just let her mosey around. When her hindquarters were too close, I would just move my head, and barely flick the string, and she would turn to me, ears forward. Then I set up three poles to make like two alley ways. Brizzee was in one, I in the other. I walked, she walked, I backed up, she backed up, etc. So that was pretty cool!
Then I went over to the pedastal, and just sat there and let her mosey. My "hindquarters" got a little chilly because it was wet. lol. And then we did Stick To Me in the figure 8, and then I let her eat some more grass. It was funny, when I haunched, and started sneaking towards her back end, she woudl turn, face, ears forward. I said, great, now let's go over here. Well, we started walking, her head went down. I haunched over, went towards her back end and she's like "I'm ignoring you". I flicked the string at her, and she ignored it, so I slapped it on the groudn really hard right behind her, I almost tagged her with it. Boy, she spun around, looked at me, looked behind, and slowly started licking her lips like "Oh, I've gotta keep my eye on her!" So, that was pretty fun! All we did yesterday was just play.
I sat back down on the cement when I took her halter off. She lowered her head, I took her halter off, and then gave her a treat. She started to mosey off and I wondered if I would just glar at her Hindquarters if she would turn and face without the halter on. Well, I barely tipped my head when she turned and came up to me!! Of course I gave her another treat! I'll have had her for two years in a few weeks...and her birthday is on the 5th, which is this Thursday...she'll be 13 years old. Oh, and we got the Liberty and Horse Behaviour last night!!! Can't wait to watch all the DVD'S!!!!!! YAY!
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
"March winds bring April showers, April Showers bring May flowers!"
Well, I played with Brizzee yesterday. Green grass was coming up, and it was a very nice day. I wore a long sleeve shirt and a vest, and I was too warm! Brizzee and I really didn't do anything...she did everything that I asked her to do, but we really didn't do anything. I sat down on the cement, and I just let her mosey around. When her hindquarters were too close, I would just move my head, and barely flick the string, and she would turn to me, ears forward. Then I set up three poles to make like two alley ways. Brizzee was in one, I in the other. I walked, she walked, I backed up, she backed up, etc. So that was pretty cool!
Then I went over to the pedastal, and just sat there and let her mosey. My "hindquarters" got a little chilly because it was wet. lol. And then we did Stick To Me in the figure 8, and then I let her eat some more grass. It was funny, when I haunched, and started sneaking towards her back end, she woudl turn, face, ears forward. I said, great, now let's go over here. Well, we started walking, her head went down. I haunched over, went towards her back end and she's like "I'm ignoring you". I flicked the string at her, and she ignored it, so I slapped it on the groudn really hard right behind her, I almost tagged her with it. Boy, she spun around, looked at me, looked behind, and slowly started licking her lips like "Oh, I've gotta keep my eye on her!" So, that was pretty fun! All we did yesterday was just play.
I sat back down on the cement when I took her halter off. She lowered her head, I took her halter off, and then gave her a treat. She started to mosey off and I wondered if I would just glar at her Hindquarters if she would turn and face without the halter on. Well, I barely tipped my head when she turned and came up to me!! Of course I gave her another treat! I'll have had her for two years in a few weeks...and her birthday is on the 5th, which is this Thursday...she'll be 13 years old. Oh, and we got the Liberty and Horse Behaviour last night!!! Can't wait to watch all the DVD'S!!!!!! YAY!
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~
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