Welcome to my blog of my progress in the Parelli Program!

This is a blog of my journey with my wonderful, amazing, smart, unconfident and then pretends to be--and is-- defaint, Quarter Horse mare, Brizzee, in the Parelli Program! We are official Level 1 Graduates as of spring, of 2009! We are currently playing with On-Line and Freestyle at Levels 2 & 3. I am also beginning to "play" with a friends horse. Sugar is a RBI 5 year old bay Quarter Horse. She is really "calm" and "quiet" and isn't very confident, but she's sensitive and very willing. I thank you for coming with me along my journey of playing with two wonderful horses! :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Figure 8 Realization, Bath Day, Transitions, oh, and let's not forget the Starling

Boy, what an awesome day yesterday, and a warm day at that. lol. Who knew so many things could happen in one day? First of all Brizzee came right up to me yesterday, and she stood still, head almost touching the ground while I groomed her, relaxed her tail instantly, and when I got the soft brush and brushed her head she closed her eyes and pushed into the brush. Funny girl.

We did the Figure 8 at the trot, and I realized what I've been doing wrong! I've been facing HER the whole time. I just point to where I go, but I stare at HER! So yesterday I turned my whole body to where I wanted her to go, and guess what? She went there! It was awesome! She was still a little bit sticky with coming around that left barrel, but it was a lot better then it has been and we even did it at the trot and instead of getting all panicky and worried, she did it nicely, confidently, and as soon as she was done her ears came forward like; "Where's my treat? I know I did good, where is it?" lol.

Then we went out for a wakl to try to find some shade. As soon as we got out of the corral she started pulling me over to the grass. I wish I could let her graze for a long time, and just sit with her while she grazes but I can't do that since she has been Grass Foundered. Well, I can let her eat a few mouthfuls, but that's it. So I was struggling with her a little bit with that. You'd think she was starving by the way she kept going over to it, but oh well.

We walked clear down to the road, we found a nice shady spot, and we sat there for about ten minutes and I let her eat, and then we went back up, both of us sweating. So I decided to give her a bath! She was a little unconfident, had to move her feet, but then it go to where she was better, still moved her feet, but it was a lot better. When I finished she kept kicking, I guess the water tickled her back end. hehe, sorry girl. But in the end she was nice and clean and shiny, and I'm a filthy mess. Plus I didn't even think about my shoes, so my poor boots got soaked...poor things.

We walked somemore, sat down in some shade in the driveway, took pics, and then we did the Figure 8 again. We practiced our Change of Direction Online, which went pretty good. She was a little confused, but that's okay. And with Transitions, that's where it started to get ugly. She wouldn't just walk. When I asked her to go she'd start off at the trot, and when I'd try to slow her down to a walk either by wiggling the rope or putting the carrot stick in front of her, she'd either stop and turn towards me, but not asking a questions, or else she'd go really Right Brain and take off pulling on the 22 foot line. So we ended it there and did some other things like tapping her feet to lift them. She backed up at first, but then she got it and just picked up her hoof, and then stomped it back down. hehehe.

She was really dry then so I hopped on and rode her around a little bit bareback. It got to the point where when she would stop, instead of squeezing all I had to do was bring up my energy, act like I'm walking and away she'd go. I have a feeling, and I'm hoping very, very strongly that I won't need to be firm with her while riding her much longer...I hope. Once she gets what I'm asking her, but lightly, I think she'll get it for good. Wouldn't it be so much better if everyone just raised thier horses this way so they wouldn't have to forget everything they've been taught and learn something totally different? That would be so nice.

And then guess where we ended it? We ended it on a good note, with something she's never done before :-) When my mom drove the truck back up the corral from watering the horses, I hopped onto the tail gate (I switched to the 12 foot line) and lead Brizzee behind in the truck. Brizzee followed, CONFIDENTLY!! Yea! And when mom sped up a little, Brizzee trotted after the truck, CONFIDENTLY!! I was happy about that. She got lots of treats, got a roll, then we fed.

And coming up the driveway the baby Starling fell out of the nest, again, so I was going to put it back but there was another starling nest in a tree, and they looked to be about the same age (I look in on them everyday) so I just put him in there. The mother is still taking care of them, so that's a relief. Last night we stayed up until 2:00 AM watching the Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Oh, that's a good movie. Sad ending, but a good movie. His personality was a lot funnier when he was...young, but looked old. Very good movie, but like I said, the ending is sad, in a way.

Here's some pics!

She had to blink at that moment. lol.

Oh, my poor soaken wet and muddy boots :-(

Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~

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