Welcome to my blog of my progress in the Parelli Program!

This is a blog of my journey with my wonderful, amazing, smart, unconfident and then pretends to be--and is-- defaint, Quarter Horse mare, Brizzee, in the Parelli Program! We are official Level 1 Graduates as of spring, of 2009! We are currently playing with On-Line and Freestyle at Levels 2 & 3. I am also beginning to "play" with a friends horse. Sugar is a RBI 5 year old bay Quarter Horse. She is really "calm" and "quiet" and isn't very confident, but she's sensitive and very willing. I thank you for coming with me along my journey of playing with two wonderful horses! :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Hi Everyone,

Well, we took Brizzee to the vet yesterday (Tuesday) and got good news. Her sores have started to heal up some with the cloudy and cool weather we've been having here lately so they weren't as black or looking nearly as bad at the Vet's yesterday. But we looked at some pictures and he believes that she doesn't have skin cancer (thank goodness!) but thinks she got a pretty bad sunburn so we will hav eto watch it really well now because he says it can easily turn into skin cancer with her real pink, fine skin. We have some sort of some medicine to put on her sores (it looks like whip cream, lol) and when the sun is out and hot we need to put sunscreen or black shoe polish on her. But I'm relieved that it was nothing serious and I feel much better about that :)

We've kept a fly sheet on her to keep the bugs off her sores and what not (it'd be nice to get one for all the horses but 12 fly sheets will be a lot of $$$, lol). When I came back home Friday evening I got her and played with her a little bit while the flysheet was on.

It was the first time we've played for a long time. I've been gone for a month and before that I haven't done much with Brizzee. I've sort of just neglected her and I feel really guilty about that now so we are going to change that :) I'm going to play with her all the time. It felt extremely good to play with her on Friday.

Here's a video of our play session:

You can go to www.youtube.com/naturalwriter to view more of my videos...

Thanks for reading,

Randa & Brizzee


Parelli Central said...

I'm happy for you and Brizzee that it's not skin cancer...

Petra Christensen
Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
Parelli Central

Randa said...

Thank you =]

Natural Horse Man Ship